For whatever reason I felt like decorating for Easter this year. A first for everything. Halloween, Christmas, I’m on it. Easter never. But as my kids get older and cognizant of the holidays I thought it would be fun to provide a little festivity around the house and emphasize the importance of this beautiful time of year.
In doing so, I realized Easter does take on a deeper meaning for me year after year. Not sure if its in conjunction with getting older and life feeling more meaningful or that my faith grows stronger each year or that I just like the idea of a time of rebirth and renewal for myself and those I love. Whatever the reason, it calls for some celebration and a little razzle dazzle around the house. So I set out to find some tasteful decor options and here is what I came up with.

It all started with this cute-as-pie bunny I came across in a Birmingham Antique Shop. I’d had it in my head I was going to be that girl that decorates for Easter and when I saw him with that sweet gold sequin egg in his basket my mind started racing…jellybeans, candies, or just the egg. But the egg was sold separately for ten dollars.
So I made my own eggs. I spent about ten to fifteen dollars on supplies and made $100 worth of retail priced eggs in gold and silver. Have you ever noticed all the beautiful colors sequins come in? The turquoise was tough to turn down. I also thought it would be pretty to mix a bunch of colors too.
Here is what you need to make your own razzle dazzle eggs: a bag or two of styrofoam eggs, styrofoam glue, toothpicks and bowls or paper plates to scatter your sequins on. Each egg has a natural indent where you can poke your toothpick in to hold on to it while you work.
Apply the “styro” glue in sections and use your fingers to apply the first few sequins. Then use a toothpick to move them into place and when doing so the end of the toothpick becomes just sticky enough to pick up each sequins and layer them on expeditiously. You do not want to cover the egg in glue and roll it around in the sequins. This does not work well and you waste a lot of sparkle.
I thought they’d look lovely all piled inside this gold cache pot. I filled it with my favorite moss to give the appearance of a nest and so far all of the little fancy pants that come in and out of my house think they are “beeeautiful”.
While I was perusing through Joanne’s and Hobby Lobby for supplies and inspiration I found this cute little “Easter Greeting” sign for two dollars on sale. I made it mine by switching out the ribbon for the brown and white gingham and hung it around my folk art angel that greets you at the door. Which reminds me I added the ribbon to the bunny as well. Thought that color was perfect for her.

I thought they were pretty stinking cute and I’m not the only one. I hear things like “which one is the mommy and daddy?” and “what’s his name, what’s her name?”.

I’d had this idea of making a “Happy Easter” sign out of old book pages and here is what I came up with…
I ripped out enough pages from an old book and folded them four times for added weight. I used your everyday 2 inch lettered stencil with raw umber paint for the letters. I’d never stenciled anything before and couldn’t believe how easy and efficient it was. Very encouraging considering I have plenty in mind I’d like to do with them.

I’d found these cute mini paper clips in the home office section at Walmart. I’m a big fan of the clothespin. When you stop and think about it, they have many purposes around the house. One of my favorites being this particular blog post from Resolved2Worship.

She is a fabulous photographer, among many other things, and nailed up five clothespins on the wall so she can switch out family photos often and with ease. Genius. Please enjoy this post on her $10 (no I am not a typo) kitchen redo here and her many other decorating-on-a-dime projects. You will be awe inspired by this woman.
So naturally when I came across these mini ones I knew they’d come into play someday. I used them to clip the lettered pages to my favorite twine and there you have it. My vision realized and it makes me happy every time I look at it.

Love and peace to you this beautiful time of year!
The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.
Luke 24:7