Wow, what a week! I had no idea the response I would get from my inaugural week of blogging and I’m completely blown. away. by your love, support and kind words. I am not kidding when I tell you my hands were shaking when I hit publish so thank you for your comforting words! With all my heart I thank you.
“The only real failure in life is the failure to try”– Sven Goran Eriksson
Now onto the business of beautiful. I have been stock piling design photos for years. Long before I knew what a blog was so I’m very eager to start sharing my favorites with you.
We will begin with my hero Pamela Pierce out of the great state of Texas. She’s so good, she doesn’t have an on line portfolio or presence. Lucky for us she has been published numerous times so I’m holding out hope for a book someday. Just a little teaser photo here of her sitting room that was featured in Veranda. I’m saving up for a big post but had to share because I covet her style and I absolutley love the draping of the bookshelves. Very dramatic coming from a self-confessed drama queen when it comes to design. I wish I had a wall of bookshelves to experiment with this look. I would choose an inexpensive burlap, maybe even stencil some sort of design on it and finish the look with some thick rope for tie backs. Dare to dream.
And since we’re on the topic of draping bookshelves (and you thought I was crazy), here is another shot from a Southern Accents show house by Monique Gibson that’s forever been engrained in my design mind since 2000.
I love the pewter color (all the rage today) of the drapes with the red and white but I have to say I don’t think I would of draped the patio doors. I think it takes away from the stars of the show, but that’s just me. Which reminds me how gorgeous are these patio doors in southern Cali? I am so in love with them, I might have to purchase some for our home too. Apparently, patio doors can add a bit of value onto a house as well, so it could be an investment! Patio doors are pretty easy to install from what I’ve heard. You just have to get in contact with a door replacement phoenix company, if you live in that area, then you can enjoy having some lovely patio doors. Patio doors always make a house look more modern, whilst also giving the house more space. There are many different kinds of patio doors, such as bifold doors, sliding doors, and even french hinged doors, that can make the house look more spacious and let more natural light into the house. Personally, I think the only way to dress patio doors is with shutter blinds. They allow you to control the amount of light coming in, but they don’t take away from the doors at all. They simply cover the windows and leave the doors in all their glory. You can find window shutter costs by following that link if you are interested in buying some for any of your doors or windows. That being said, I will say this particular show house had some very hip styling including the all white covered books you see here. If I can find the shot of the hydrangeas spilling out of the fireplace or the hundreds of Campbell soup cans perfectly lined up in the kitchen ala sleeping with the enemy, I’ll post. It was neat to see that sort of make believe styling element throughout a show house. Can’t say I’ve seen that since.

I’m forever telling myself that good design is all about layers and how the eye moves over a room. I think this photo epitomizes that. For me it starts front and center like a series of steps with the rug and hand-forged table and then the settee and pillow mix and then the bed, bolster and lamps and finally, the grand finale, the simple iron corona and drapes above the bed. Simple yet totally dramatic. I actually called Madeline Stuart’s design firm about where I could purchase this iron piece and no big surprise, it was custom. Boo hoo. So I’m going to try and work my magic with a family friend who owns a forge factory in Michigan and see about getting some made for us. If not, we can experiment with other options to achieve the same type of look.
And lastly my “dream dining room” this photo was appropriately titled. I don’t know why this one of all the hundreds but this is IT. I’ve never been a fan of the oval dining table but when you layer it like this and gather ten chairs around, I imagine a family all breaking bread and toasting to life and think that’s what its all about.
If I were a style of chair, no doubt I’d be this one. I always come back to this French Louis XVI chair covered in raffia. I appreciate the worn leather on the seats and I rarely like leather on furniture. It always feels cold to me unless its highly distressed, creamy white or vintage looking. I’m a slave to symmetry so the two slipcovered servers and wall art are perfect except I’d probably choose a painted or dark wood cabinet for practicality sake and to off set the fabric on the table but nevertheless the scale and balance are perfect. Notice the rope tying up the chandelier and how low the chandy hovers over the table. Shocker, love that too.
I hope you enjoyed this first taste of my design file photos and found some elements that speak to your aesthetic. Maybe you inherited Grandma’s dining set and aren’t that wild about it? Insert the leafs and “drama drape” some inexpensive muslin over the top of it. Draping bookcases to much of a risk for you? Consider framing an entry inside your home with drapes and tying it back to one side. Have a guest bed that’s been missing a headboard? Do a search on coronas and create an instant focal point with some sheers on the wall above it. You could even use a decorative hook or small shelf but most importantly have fun, applaud your efforts and share with the rest of us.
I hope you are enjoying a peaceful Sunday. Have a wonderful week! Cheers!
xoxo, Jennifer
Great images again! Super Excited for Scott’s on Friday. Perfect way to end my birthday week! Remind me to tell you a funny story about Leland Road. Can’t wait for your next post 🙂
Shut up its your birthday? How did I miss that?! Oh boy Friday will be very fun indeed!