When you’re from Detroit, you’ll find any excuse to sing your brother Kid Rock especially today as I board a jet plane to meet up with all my Michigan girlfriends. It’s our girl Elise’s birthday and eight of us are converging on LA, her new hometown. We all have ties back to our college days at Michigan State and beyond and I feel very lucky every chance we get to hoopla like this. What started out between two of us checking airfare has morphed into four days of grand plans and a sweet pad in the hills compliments of VRBO.
find a nest in the hills…
When the link came across my desk of course the first thing that came flying out of my mouth was “I love the Imperial Trellis drapes!” Super trendy print but for good reason. Its a big bold graphic kiss on the face. If you agree, make your way on over to etsy and type in Imperial Trellis and enjoy those new pillows in any color.

A shot of the kitchen. Not that we’ll be cooking but a perfect backdrop to ching ching to life and some laughter.

Off the kitchen is a beautiful marble spiral staircase. Remember watching Different Strokes as a kid and wishing you had a staircase like this in your kitchen? I did. Big surprise.

give a toast to the sun, drink with the stars…
Girl’s trips are wonderful and necessary from time to time. I come back a better wife, mother and friend. Just when I start hurting for my family I’m home and appreciate them all the more. But while I’m gone its a true luxury to turn off the radar and only worry about what to wear and eat. Can I get an amen on that? My souvenirs are new music for the pod, crazy fun stories to tell, good girlfriend advice and some fashion swapping. All that girly stuff that makes being one so fun. But most importantly big time laughs and memories to cherish because how often do we remember things but we’ll always remember the moments. I’ll choose a trip over a new frig any day.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
-Ferris Bueller
I struggled a bit with packing because the weather this weekend is sketchy and LA in general is super casual. Regardless, I thought this little number would work for dinner at The Standard. Whataya think? I spotted her way back in NYC at Christmas but they didn’t have my size (stomp my foot) but she’s been on my mind ever since.

It’s Sarah Jessica Parker (just in case you forgot, wink wink). She’s the new face of the Halston Heritage line that I adore. The look is Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface-esque. Check it out. It was a total splurge but to me an instant heirloom. I know my daughter will love wearing it someday. Note to self, save everything worth saving. They’ll thank us.
Which brings me to my next item. Mom’s old cowboy boots…
Cause I wanna be a Cowboy baby…

Aren’t they great? Found them in the basement last Summer and have been rocking them ever since. Gotta love the little gifts from above just when you need it the most. They go perfect with my favorite belt from Anthropologie that you can buy here. Don’t forget the belt! Takes a ho hum outfit to fabulous in zero to sixty.
Like this dress from Ruche. Belt and boots totally kick it up a notch and if you haven’t shopped Ruche yet, head on over. You can thank me later. This dress is sold out (which happens often, so don’t dilly-dally. If you love it, click it) and their prices can’t be beat. So far so good on the quality factor too.

Well I’m off! Have a fantastic weekend and Happy St. Patrick’s Day too! I’m boarding the plane with a big smile and gratitude-a-plenty for the time and opportunity. And did you hear the news of the day? They’re going to start serving champagne on ALL Delta flights! Can you stand it? So big CHEERS to that my friends. I’ll be back next week to share all the beautiful and inspirational things that catch my eye, a few from past Cali trips as well and my favorite taste makers from the region.
Be lovely, be safe,
p.s. AND GO GREEN!!! We’ll be rooting em in beachside and making all the UCLA fans a little crazy…good times!