Having a thing for sticks. Love their form. These faux ones were around, in the way, so I stuck them up top along with some peacock feathers and a new star. Kids were all over me to put a star up top. I loved the shape of this one but only came in red, therefore, I subjected myself to carcinogens and painted it metallic gold (spray paint frightens me).
I used a table cloth, purchased at an estate sale years ago, for this year’s tree skirt. The wing back chair here was purchased at an estate sale for $60. I recovered it in my favorite ticking stripe fabric from Country Curtains and the pillow came from Dad’s Homegoods for $29.99 (More on Dad’s Homegoods in a bit).
The gold crown ornaments were new this year purchased at IKEA. I like them.
Trader Joe’s tulips $5.99. Gawd I love it there. My happy place. This crystal vase sat in my parent’s attic for thirty plus years. A wedding gift. To say I love it, and sound like a broken record, would be a gross understatement. The shape is great.
I came across this project flippin through BH&G in some waiting room. I whip out my phone, a.k.a the magic wand, and log ideas and images daily. We are DUE for iphone post. Coming soon.
Here’s Jenny’s version…
-$12.99 glass cylinder vase Dad’s Homegoods
(Dad’s Homegoods in Michigan where the gettin is good. I make a point to hit it every time I’m home and sure enough came up with a great pair of mirrors and lots of white pottery for my clients too. Its not totally picked over by the masses like the ones by my house).
-$5.99 bird nest from Katie Brown for Meijer
(If you are lucky enough to live by a “Meijers” you need to get with Katie Brown. Her stuff is awesome, every single piece.
Some of it you can buy on line HERE but a lot of it is not and its great. Beautiful boxes and baskets for organizing/storage, awesome looking lanterns you’d see in Potterybarn but a third of the price. Kicking myself I didn’t bust out the wand and take pics!).
-Cut branches from tree
-Ornaments I already owned. Threw a blue one in, in honor of the Robin, Michigan’s state bird. 😉
-$2.99 bag of fake snow
-$2.99 fake birds
-Mission accomplished
Every year I put out this wire tree, a gift, in the keeping room to display my vintage ornaments that can get lost on a big tree. Vintage ornaments have the most beautiful patina and color inspiration.
Mom’s Dickens Village found a new home by the back door. Loving it here. Nice to walk in and see it all aglow. Elfie hung out here one night. Notice the wood risers the Church and Boarding School are on. My friends threw this fabulous baby shower and used them to display food. They showed up at my front door and I’m using them all over the house for different things. THANKS FRIENDS!
This next shot isn’t the greatest, but its one of my favorite views and I wanted to share it with you. I love the light that shines in this time of day. I’m thinking of stenciling the walls in here. Give it some zing.
My white pumpkin centerpiece was traded in for an angel on top. Wedged in another branch trimmed from the tree and topped it off with ornaments from my collection. Easy.
Next year I’d like to do something like BELOW in here. I fell off my chair over this photo taken by
Brooke of Velvet and Linen. It’s inside Amy Howard’s home and I’ve always listed her on the blog here under inspiration. Her furniture is stellar and the story of her start is great too. I think Traditional Home or Veranda featured her stunning home year’s ago and hence how I discovered her.
Remember these urns, purchased at Homegoods for $39.99 each, I was going to wire into lamps?
Tah-dah! Topped off with burlap shades found at World Market or Lamp Arts.
My new x base console table was purchased from Wisteria this past Fall during a sale and is no longer available. 🙁
Here is a close up. Those little silver trees were ornaments I found at Walmart this year and the two tall sphere’s were purchased at the Queen of Hearts for $18 total. I love them.
A shot of the mantle (whoops forgot to plug in lights for photo). I basically layer it with branches from the tree, yard and throw in random ornaments and artifacts to jazz it up. A few peacock feathers found their way in too.
A beautifully wrapped gift given to me by a friend. I didn’t want to open it for at least a day because of how pretty it was (inside was the new Design Sponge book! THANK U FRIEND!).
I tried. I decided I’m hitting the after holiday sales for the best fake looking wreath I can find and get to work on a permanent one for next year. When its time to hang, I’ll hit the yard for branches of all kinds to stick in and give it a living appearance. That way I don’t have the daunting job of removing all the bells and whistles attached to a live wreath year after year. Ding, ding!
My childhood skates, which were no doubt probably a hand-me-down from my big sister Jackie. She was an ice skater as a little girl and the home movies of this are the BEST!
I attached this charm I’d taken off a candle years ago. It was too sweet to throw away with the used candle. A great reminder to all those who enter. Embrace life by the horns!
Not my best work out front this year. I typically buy roping to go all around the door and stuff it with magnolias and I just plum ran out of time and energy. I did manage to shove my urns with greenery and sticks as planned. I think I’ll leave them long after Christmas is over. What the hay.
Now would be an excellent time to share this creation with you, ripped from my design files. The double ribbon is amazing! I don’t have the fight in me to make it but I’d love to see somebody try. I have pages and pages and folders and folders of design images I want to share with you all. Slowly but surely. Check out the mantle and angel wings bottom left! Hah whoops, the other left!
Here’s my angels. 😉 The strands of beads were found at the Goodwill for .99 cents each. She stays out year round even though I bought her during Christmas at The Plantation Shop years ago.
Folk art Santa. Mom painted many things in this medium back in the day.
Do you remember me wanting to make something like this for holiday cards?
This is what I ended up with. I strung twine across both kitchen windows (affixed it with thumb tacks on the side) and clipped the cards to it with mini clothespins from Walmart. I like how it turned out and they are on full display for all to see.

Someday I’m going to blog about the nine year evolution of my kitchen. It wasn’t always this color and those windows weren’t always there. I’ve still got some changes to make nine years on! I was speaking to a friend the other day and she was telling me about window film (check out campbellwindowfilm.com to learn more), and it inspired me to get some in my kitchen. Home security is so important to me so I can’t wait to buy some and get it put on the windows! But for now I’ll leave you with this image: my dream kitchen hood ripped out of the pages of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles. I think its the perfect scale for my space and I’m absolutely in love with the design. On my wish list for 2012 and saving all my pennies till then. Just need to figure out where to put the micro.
So decorating is done. Shopping will be complete this week (the hubs and I making a day date of it, fun) and I’m still waiting on my Christmas cards, I ordered from ETSY HERE, to show up. I’m behind on everything this year but oh well. Tis the season. When they do finally show I’m going to try my best to address them like these found HERE…
Wish me luck! I’m going to need it. And a lot of wine…
Happiest of holidays to you my pretties!!! You have been such a GIFT TO ME this year, you have no idea.
Jenny from the rock
your house is gorgeous! i love those skates too!!!!!!
merry merry and a happy new years!
Oh thank u Joni for stopping by! Always makes my day. Sweet new years wishes to u, mr slipper socks and your darling daughter. Xoxo
Hey Jen! Ok I’ve been searching for a large clam shell and mercury spheres Found one on Ballard but you’re so good at finding deals. Where’d you get yours? The shell and spheres?? Must have! Thanks.
Try Homegoods for the shell and the spheres I ordered way back from HomArt when I was ordering merchandise for my booth at the Queen. But I know they are around. Esp this time of year. I buy more around the holiday and keep them out all year long. Picked up some beauties at RW Exchange at the Avenues of Forsyth this year.
Last month I never really thought about purposefully designing my Christmas tree. Yours are great! 🙂
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