I feel like the holidays were months ago, however, I just finished putting it all away and while I did, I restyled some things, changed some things, brought in some new things. You’re shocked, I’m sure. 😉
I moved and mixed up some pillows in the living room. My favorite wing back needed some funk.
Moved the bar area from the dining room to the living room.
Is there anything more beautiful than the St-Germain bottle? Leave it to the French.

I flanked the console with my pair of ghost chairs and flipped the blue pillows around to over here. Moved my goodwill lamps with their customized orange silk shades and lucite finials over here as well. Liking. Liking.
However, LOVING the light blue against the tangerine color of the drapes.
Speaking of Mary McDonald and all her absolute fabulousness, we’ve got some more that recently arrived from Santa Schumacher! I slipcovered this table in the python print and am adding the Mama Fu decals to each corner, doubled up for height. If I could just figure out where I put them.

Another newbie is this table I scored at Homegoods. It was an immediate grab. No hesitation or justification necessary. 😉
Just a few little adds and edits over here…still love you.
Moved this bench by the door and covered it in texture but truthfully was just loving the light shining on the walls. Its a great place to throw my pocketbook when I come home (Hah, how’d you like that for some Southern assimilation! Yankee girl calling her purse a pocketbook).

Picked up one of those big round (and heavy) balls of wood from Scott’s this month and landed it here. Ruby got another necklace.
Decided I wasn’t feeling the urns on the cheetah tables in here and picked up these thick raw wood bases, also at Scotts, and set the Potterybarn glass hurricanes atop. Now the dining room is perfectly symmetrical. Long sweet sigh.
Ballard Designs was having a sale on their giant clamshells from the holiday collection so I picked up two, one for me, one for a client. Made the perfect place to gather all those beautiful holiday cards we love to receive every year. Thank you friends!
What happened to the blue urns? They ended up back in the living room, flanking the main entrance from the front, however, I pulled them in a little tighter, so they truly create more of an entrance than just against the wall on either side of the door molding. It always amazes me in design how three or four inches can make a world of difference.

A few months back I realized a dream I’d had since I was a child by installing a canopy bed out of ceiling-mounted hardware! I might of cried when it was finally up. I feel like Sleeping Beauty FOR REAL every morning I wake up in my little cocoon. I highly recommend trying it! So simple for such significant impact. Interestingly, after I installed my canopy I learnt that some canopies literally can have a very significant impact on your health! Some bed canopies are made with
EMF Protection, which blocks the radio waves that emit from your electronic devices. These waves can be harmful, and it’s nice to know that at least for night time you’re not exposed to these.
And when I’m laying in bed, pretending to be Aurora, I stare at this salon wall of art from some of our favorite artists, and some my husband painted. Go Mike.
Here’s a little sitting area to the right of the bed. The glass table I scored at Goodwill for $12. Love it when that happens. More beautiful sunshine coming through.
And I’m almost finished styling the bathroom. I painted a wainscoting wall around the entire room and will be hanging some linen panels from the ceiling in here too, to give the tub area some distinction.
Also picked up some pretty killer snakeskin looking mirrors from Ballard’s Back Room this week that I’m going to try to hang tonight. My neighbor is going to make these sweet cornice boards for the windows out of reclaimed wood. Pretty fired up about that idea. Once done, we’ll FINALLY be ready to submit to some shelter mags for potential publication! Wouldn’t that be something?

Thanks for coming along on the home tour this Monday afternoon! I’ll be launching a new website and a new blog platform in the coming weeks and apologize in advance for any hiccups. I realize my blog feed has not been updating for months, and I’ll be switching to Feedblitz to rectify that situation as well. Thanks for sticking with me! And in the interim here’s a little peek at my new blog layout. Still working on it, looking at fonts, thinking about my old header verse the rising sun of China, hah. I wanted something round to draw the eye in and now I’m not so sure. My blog designer is going to kill me if she reads this.
Talk soon and I hope your week is off to a RAGING start!
Jenny from the rock
Love love love ! Beautiful home and even more beautiful styling! You go girl! I’m sure it will be picked up by a magazine in a flash! Wish we lived closer- you know how to shop!
Thank you sweet friend! I cannot wait to see you in the ATL!!! xoxo
OMG….you have been on a tool girl! Love all of the changes you have made and your bedroom….shut it!
would you share the colors (light grey, black,brown) you used for that bookshelf? it’s exactly what i’ve been wanting to do with my built ins!
Yes! Carrington Beige on the walls and Urbane Bronze on the shelves.