Hello sweet friends!! Long time no talk! You won’t believe all the crazy that has been going on over at the Schoenberger crib. For starters we are selling our home!!! After five years, we’ve decided to downsize and move closer to our children’s school and could not be more excited about it! Mama is craving a simpler lifestyle. This home has been soooo good to us but man big homes are a lot of work while running a full-time family and design biz. The search for a new home has started and it’s very stressful! A friend of mine recently moved to Boston and she said that Donnelly + Co. were amazing during the whole process so perhaps I need to find someone like them. I haven’t found a real estate company yet but I’ve seen a few houses that I’d like to view. It’s all so exciting!

Man selling your home is A LOT of work, damn near killed me. I should have just contacted a company like Getty Group to sort it all for me. I’ve been so busy and I can’t wait to move into the new home! It’s mainly been stressful because we have been working so hard on this gorgeous family lake house on Lake Lanier – 10,000 square feet of hard, heartfelt work!

So I’m coming at you today from our family cottage on Torch Lake that my Hubby and I share with his Sister in northern Michigan. Also for sale! Lots of changes going on…

But the biggest one I am MOST excited about to share with you (and why all this moving and selling is going on) is we bought our very own place on Torch!!! A new project fixer upper from 1973 – the year I was born! Its been in the same family since 1974 and they haven’t changed a thing about it since LOL – the carpet is almost back in style! It’s four bedrooms, three full baths and the perfect cozy wood interior and huge stone fireplace you would expect in a Northern Michigan cottage. Plans are in the works for a garage/carriage house this Fall.

We are closing on the property this week – thank you Jesus! I will start moving in this weekend and the wild rumpus design process will begin friends! You can follow along with me on my INSTAGRAM stories here and check out my TORCH inspiration board on Pinterest for the vibe going on inside. This is going to be a very hygge, chalet-style cottage for all to come and visit whenever they want!!! No more scheduling conflicts, can sleep wherever we want, stay as long as we want (not share a bathroom with five stinky teenage boys – ha), crank the music as loud as it will go – FREE TO BE YOU AND ME TEAM! God’s love is truly overwhelming at times and we are so grateful for this gift. I’ll try and do an updated post before I leave with lots of before and afters – headed to the property now to give a tour on stories and just soak it up!
THANKS for stopping by today and its always great to catch up with you! I hope to always inspire good design, good living and going after those dreams and goals! Put those daydreams to work!
Much love,
Jennifer Sunshine, Daydream Believer
OMG!! THIS IS exciting!! Welcome to my world (well, sorta…) We, too, bought on a lake and built, well, my husband built a small log cabin retirement home WITH a lighted cupola he made!! I can’t wait to see what you are going to do…we are “just getting ready” to re-stain ours VERY dark charcoal gray and changing the “merlot rimmed windows” to black. Keep those cards and photos comin!!! franki
THATS AWESOME!!! will do!!! xoxo